

Faith Formation for Everyone

Christian education opportunities are available for children, youth and adults. "WELLSPRING", CLC's comprehensive Faith Formation program provides people of all ages opportunities to meet regularly and also provides special programs occasionally, all designed to assist you in growing in faith and relationship with God and one another.

When people—especially children—are baptized into the faith, congregation members, as part of the public liturgy, promise to pray for and support baptism candidates. Support, in this case, means providing faith formation resources— dedicated teachers, tangible materials, and abundant budget. Faith Formation and Christian education is a priority at CLC. All are welcome.

For more information about our Christian Education programs, or if you would like to join one of our groups, please contact the Church Office by email here or (586) 731-1113. 


1st - 5th Grade

...Weekly Sunday Pray-Ground

...Bi-Monthly Youth Group

...Annual First Communion         Workshop

...Annual VBS


6th - 8th Grade

...Weekly Catechism

...Annual Summer Camp

...Annual Fall Retreat

...Annual Winter Gathering


9th - 12th Grade

...Occasional Service Projects

...Summer Mission Trips

...Winter State Gatherings

...National Youth Gatherings



...Weekly Bible Study

...Occasional Book Studies

...Occasional Faith Enrichment Programs

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